Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wedding Dance

Lumnay is the first wife of Amiyao. The live in one place where they built their house and field. They love each other. But there’s a problem, Awiyao wanted a child to have a child to Lumnay but Lumnay can’t give a child to him. According to their culture if both couple have no child, the husband need to marry another girl. In that situation Awiyao told to Lumnay that she marry Madulimay. He marry the girl because he need child. Lumnay had nothing to do, even though it hurt for her. She said, “I will pray that kabungyan will bless you and Madulimay. I will give the house and field for you, he said. I don’t care the field and house. I’ll have no other man! But you do not want me to have a child. You do not want any name to live on our tribe. I’ll go back to my father. I’ll die. Lumnay was silent. Awiyao said. If I fail to Madulimay. I’ll come back to you. Then both of us will die together. Both of us will vanish from the life of our tribe. Lumnay went to her parents house. She left her husbans wedding.

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