Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Scholars and the Lion (Summary)

There were one four men who were friends. Namely, Rex, Jhon,Roy and Lhan. Re, Jhon and Roy are scholars while Lhan was not a scholar. Theres come that four of them decided to go out into the world. They prepared themselves and began their journey. Rex said, Lhan you are no scholar. Please leave us. Roy said, “No this isn’t right, Lhan are our friends. Let him come with us.” In their journey they saw the bones of a dead lion. Rex said, with this bones we can test the value of our learning. Then they give back the life of the lion. Lhan climb the tree and sat down in the branches. When the lio0n come to alived he killed the three scholars. The when the lion had gone, lhan came down and returned alone to his village.

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